About Christmas Distribution

Since 2005 True Life Mission is Organizing Christmas Distribution Every Year. In Which we Do Evangelism On Large Scale By Distributing Gospel Tracts, Jesus Films Cds or Dvds In Free and Help Hundreds of Desperate Needy Kids and Man and Woman With Warm Cloths, Food, Study Material and Warm Blankets, Toiletries etc. This year we are doing same as previous year. 

Matthew 25:40  And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

Visit these links to See Pictures Of Christmas Distributions Of Past Years
Christmas Distribution 2018
Christmas Distribution 2017
Christmas Distribution 2016
Christmas Distribution 2015
Christmas Distribution 2014
Christmas Distribution 2013
Christmas Distribution 2012
Christmas Distribution 2011
Christmas Distribution 2010
Christmas Distribution 2009
Christmas Distribution 2008
Christmas Distribution 2007
Christmas Distribution 2005

If you would like to be Part of Christmas Distribution 2018. We Welcome You. You May Contact Us.

Thanks You 
Pastor. Rajeev Mahan
Chairman and Director 
True Life Mission